創辦人王隆汨於1976年創立南隆車料有限公司,恭逢台灣自行車產業興盛的年代,一路走來歷經產業外移的考驗,淬鍊出經得起考驗的專業製造產能與高品質零件產品,成就業界領導品牌的實力。南隆累積多年自行車零件製造之專業能力與經驗,但愛因斯坦曾言:「想像力超越知識。」讓南隆有新的思維。 Nan Long Bicycle Material Co., Ltd. was found by Long Mi Wang in 1976, which was the prosperous era of bicycle industry in Taiwan.Going through the test of outward industry development, Nan Long is trained to possess professional anufacturing capacity and to produce superior quality components and products, allowing Nan Long to have the strength to become the leading brand in the industry.
我們是自行車,運動器材零配件及各式金屬製品的專業代工,迄今已有40年的生產經驗。 Nan Long Bicycle Material Co., Ltd. is the professional OEM that produces bicycles and sports equipment components for more than 40 years.
除了專業生產之外,我們也可為您代購台灣的自行車及運動器材相關零配件,並安排船運、空運或快遞出貨,為您提供更方便的採購管道。 Nan Long provide you with more convenient procurement method for the trade service for bicycle and sports equipment parts in Taiwan. And arrange the shipping for sea, air or express delivery.
南隆車料有限公司深受各大企業肯定,台灣穗高、明安、期美、力伽及各大組車廠皆為我們的合作客戶。除國內市場外,更積極於國際市場,目前國際市場客戶遍及美國、中南美洲、歐洲及亞洲,是您事業上不可或缺的夥伴。 Besides domestic market,Nan Long also develops international market, has customers all over the U.S.A., central and south America, Europe and Asia. We are your indispensable partner in business.